International Literature Poetry & History

Biographies: A – Z

At First Editions all books are hardback with original dust-jackets unless otherwise stated.

In the international literature section you will find first editions by British authors from Waugh to Barnes and Woolf to Mantel and American and Mexican writers from Fitzgerald to Ford and Beecher Stowe to Fuentes.There is also a wide selection of international poetry which includes works by T.S. Elliot, C.S. Lewis, Czeslaw Milosz and Dylan Thomas.

And we are not forgetting the children, as you may find, during a leisurely browse, a first edition of Treasure Island, the Wombles of Wimbledon Common or even a first edition of Alice Through the Looking Glass.

Biographies: (click below)
A–C International Literature Poetry & History
D–F International Literature Poetry & History
G–J International Literature Poetry & History
K–M International Literature Poetry & History
N–P International Literature Poetry & History
Q–S International Literature Poetry & History
T–V International Literature Poetry & History
W–Z International Literature Poetry & History